Monday, March 23, 2009


Not that this is a long or extremely verbose entry, but I would like you all to know that I am truly blessed. I have the most wonderful friends and family in the world and I wouldn't trade them for anything. For all of you who have called, emailed, texted, etc., I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for checking on me and Bart. Your love and support means more than I can ever say to you. Thank you all and I will post more details about his deployment as I get them. Love you guys. Thanks!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Not-Quite-Drunk Dial

The reason I haven't posted in so long was that I was looking for the good in this world. Instead, all I came up with were some less-than-positive alternatives. At this point I am saying goodbye to quite a few things, which I love more than anything:
1. My husband (you may email for more details; and, no, we aren't splitting up)
2. A long friendship based on trust and honesty (which will never be over on my part)
3. My childhood (apparently at 27 you are no longer allowed to be a child)
4. My dignity (which is gone with all the crying I've done lately)
To explain: Bart has left. He is on his way to training for an OIC (officer in command) position in Afghanistan. His training will take him across the US and back before he leaves for the dessert at the end of April. All I can hope and pray is that God will bless His safety and mercy on Bart and all the troops overseas. Regardless of your opinions, I hope you will pray for the troops as well. Beyond those issues, we would have to be intimately close to discuss numbers 2 through 4. Better days to follow soon. I hope you are all well and holding your loved ones as close as you can. I know I would love to do so.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Rant

It has come to my attention that the entire world is just going mad. This isn't a new development, nor is it shocking that it has occurred, but good Lord when will it all stop? Now, I am speaking/typing on many different levels: state of the union, economy, mental capacities, etc. All in all, we're going crazy. At some point we have to think that whatever it is that is going on in our lives, whatever it is that is going on in this country, we have brought this on ourselves. We have made poor decisions and are now seeing the effects of those choices. It seems to me that we have all forgotten how to take responsibility for our own actions. Instead of fessing up and saying, "Wow, I made a mistake and I need to fix it," we scream at the top of our lungs that someone else has wronged us and that there wasn't any way we would have made said mistake if it weren't for someone else. Or, in our attempt to right a wrong, we take completely ludicrous steps down the wrong path in the hopes that no one will point out the error of our ways, but allow us to continue in a manner that best suits our liking. Nope. Sorry folks. It is time to be responsible. It is time to stop feeling entitled. We aren't entitled to jack except for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That's it. You don't get to cut people off just because you want to be ahead of them in traffic. You don't get to spend the country's money simply to further socialism (in the name of democracy). You don't even get to walk away from your mistakes because you don't feel like dealing with them. That's not how this whole thing works. When did humans stop being humane? Honestly, I am tired of lying and cheating all in the name of something better. When did bad things ever lead to good ones? Maybe I'm way off base and maybe I'm just getting things off my chest, but in my humble opinion (and on my own blog) it is time for every one of us to evaluate ourselves and make sure we are all making good choices and bettering the places in which we live. Ok, I'm done now, I promise. Happier and friendlier blogs to come.