Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bad Blogger

Ari says:
I know, I know. I've been a very bad blogger. I have only one excuse: Bart's home!!! In my defense, though, there really hasn't been too much to report, so I really was just saving you from some boring reads. Bart got home a week ago and we have really enjoyed having our time together. We've been running errands, eating out at places that Bart missed, hiking, but more than anything we've just been getting used to having each other around again. Tomorrow we are heading up to PA to see Bart's parents. We are actually going to be trading Bart's truck for their Lexus, so we'll see how that works out. Our hopes are for better gas mileage. Wish us luck. Next week will be a mad dash of packing and getting rid of junk and then we'll be getting back on the road. We're going to Ft. Worth, TX for a wedding of some friends, and hopefully a great visit with folks we haven't seen in a while. All in all, we've got plenty to keep us busy. We are officially moving the last weekend of this month and are just praying for a smooth transition into the new place. I'm very aware of all the things that can go wrong, but will try to be prepared for any eventuality. Ok, see?? I told you this was all very boring stuff. Anyway, hope you are all well. I'll get a good post up soon. Probably some mishap on our trip this weekend.


Bart and/or Ari said...

Mishap?! What do you mean mishap?!

Amanda Bradley said...

is bart ever going to blog again? Maybe the blog title should read "Sceptres" ;o)

Katie said...

Safe travels to you both and funny stories to the rest of us! :)