Ari says:
Not the drugged out stoning, I mean the biblical hurling of large stones toward the person who has committed a crime most foul. I have been found guilty of not blogging. In my defense, though, last week was not the week for a blog. You can thank me later. But for now, I have resigned myself to my rocky fate. Commence your launching.
Ok, now that that's all over, I can get to what's important. There has been a lot of resting going on for me in preparation for what is coming. I've been collecting boxes here at work and have been eyeballing things at home that will eventually be thrown or given away. There is a bunch of junk that I just don't want to move down to New Orleans. Work has become a madhouse. I think my boss and coworkers have realized that I have 8 days left and they are wigging out just a little bit. I have tons to do, but have been knocking everything out bit by bit and am confident that I'll be ready to walk out the door for good next Friday. Although, I say that, but I'm sure I'll have a myriad of phone calls for a few weeks asking where something is or if something was taken care of. On the home front, Sherlock seems to be recovering from his flea infestation. He's scratching less and less, and I'm finding fewer of the little buggars on him, not to mention that I haven't seen one on the couch or in the carpet in a couple weeks. Lord be praised!! I think my devastating attack on those bloodsuckers has actually paid off.
Wow, I guess I'm boring right now. Bart and I had this talk last night on the phone. I think we've gotten to the point that we're tired of just talking on the phone and are storing up all our stories and conversations for whenever we're together. We are actually meeting up in NO this weekend to look at a couple more places. I really hope that we can make a decision and sign some papers. I will feel a massive load off when that is taken care of. It will also provide me with a timeline for my packing and moving activities over the next month or so. With all that's been going on, I guess I've forgotten how to be entertaining. Don't worry, fair reader, I'm sure something ridiculous will happen to me very soon and I'll provide a tale of woe of some sort or another with which I will consume 2 minutes of your work day. On that note, I'll leave you with a picture of happiness. It has no bearing on anything and I don't even know the animal, but it was just a little too cute to pass up.

Do not fret, my lady. For I have increased my posting! You told me that I needed to work on my frequency, so I am...As for getting rid of things around the house. If you need me to come pick up that large, useless box that is in front of your fireplace, just let me know, I'll be there within the day. Don't thank me, I'm just being a friend! *kisses*
Gosh Ari, quit stoning yourself! :D Which makes me wonder, is that the game kids played back in the time of MMLJ? Instead of saying "Quit hitting yourself, quit hitting yourself." and making the other hit themself with his/her own hand; did they make each other hit their own selves with rocks and say, "Quit stoning yourself. Quite stoning yourself." If so, I think I now have a better understanding of why the median lifespan was so short.
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