Oh my dear Angela, how I love thee! Let me count the ways:
1. Talking and singing clams!
2. Great songs in a dirty pub.
3. Being brave enough to be "Lucid" (but you got a T-shirt for it).
4. Doing the pajama thing for an entire day.
5. Watching movies until our butts were sore.
6. Puppy Gras.
7. Searching out mask stores ('cause only one will do).
8. Seedy gay bars.
9. Seedy bars in general.
10. Playing pool with the locals.
11.... I could go on for a while here.
Suffice it to say, we had a blast with Angela in town. She blew in on a cloud of traffic-riddled frustration and it seemed the laughter didn't stop until it was time for her to go. I would post pictures of our grand and adventurous weekend, but not one of us had a camera and that's probably a good thing. It was great to show her around and show off our little town. I can't say that we did much of anything, but we did brave the French Quarter for a day and our timing was perfect. In the midst of Mardi Gras madness, we managed to go on the one day they were having a parade of dogs (thus "Puppy Gras"). Now when I say "parade of dogs," I'm not doing this thing justice. There were literally hundreds (maybe thousands?) of dogs dressed to the nines. They were decked out in everything from sailor suits to bumblebee costumes, had their toenails painted, fur dyed, all kinds of things. Needless to say, we could not have gone on a better day. The atmosphere made for a family friendly and tame crowd and it was awesome to see everyone all gussied up. This was just one of our many adventures, and there was so much more, but this blog just isn't big enough for all the details. I am so grateful Ang decided to come down and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed her visit. Ang, the door is always open and your room is ready whenever you'd like to come back. The offer is also open for my faithful readers. Come on down to the Big Easy and see what all the fuss is about. As for me, I'm off to Denver to see my Mom. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
A Battle Almost Won... Part II (read Part I first)
An "I'm-going-to-rip-my-hair-out" story: When last we left our lovely Princess, she was galloping to meet the good wizard Zinsel in the hopes of amending her befouled Altima. The Princess bravely met the hoards of traffic and wound her way through the kingdom towards the wizard's abode. In she strode, head held high, with all the confidence in the esteemed wizard. The Princess handed over the Altima's entry tools (keys) to the wizard with hope-filled eyes. As the Princess settled into a not-so-comfy chair with a predestined tome to while away the time, the wizard returned suddenly. "Alas, fair maiden. I have not the backing plate necessary to reattach your mirror." "Can't you conjure one?!" wailed the Princess. "No, I am unable. My skills are no match for your considerable issue. You must return to the dreaded Nissan doctor." "Never!" replied the Princess in haste and anxiety. The Princess stormed from the wizard's domain, broken and bereft of hope. "I refuse to spend 478,392 gold pieces, but I will find a way to make this right," she vowed to the Altima. Tears brimming in her hazel eyes, the Princess fled to another evil place, the market. Not only could she not fix her precious Altima, but she had to shop, like a peasant, for supplies. Upon returning to the castle and carrying in her supplies, the Princess even broke a nail. What a tragic and horrid day! The Princess was about to give up completely when suddenly her glorious Prince called with some wonderful news: He had found a replacement mirror, complete with backing plate, for a mere 894 gold pieces! The Princess was overjoyed and felt herself blessed to have such a wonderful Prince at her disposal. Much rejoicing ensued, with a bit of lunch to follow. Our benevolent Princess now rests. Thrilled with the outcome, even through the trials of her day. More merry-making will come later in the evening, but after the Princess enjoys last night's episode of Bones. There is happiness in the kingdom once again. The End.
A Battle Almost Won... Part I
A sad story: Once upon a time there was a precious (and wonderful) blue '07 Nissan Altima that belonged to a gorgeous Princess. The Princess had moved into a new kingdom that was full of strife and messed-up-ness. Against the Princess's will, the pretty Altima had to be parked in front of the castle beyond the moat, instead of in the carriage house as it should have been because there simply wasn't a carriage house to be found for miles. One day, when the Princess went to visit her trusty steed, she found that a side-view mirror had been ripped from her darling car. She searched everywhere for broken glass to see if the Altima had been damaged by some "hoopty" of this realm, but to no avail. The mirror had been ripped off, leaving the casing fully intact but sadly missing its reflective gem.
An annoying story: In her sadness and remorse, the Princess took the Altima to a respected Nissan doctor who told her, "For sooth, great Princess, I cannot replace just the mirror. I must remove the entire casing because the Nissan God does not allow the mirror to be sold separately of its component. You must purchase the entire entity for 478,392 gold pieces." (This roughly translates to just over $300) The Princess was outraged by the doctor's analysis and refused to allow him to treat her valiant Altima and vowed to find the mirror on her own. For days and days she toiled over the phone and computer to find that every replacement was either not worthy of her gorgeous roadster, or was simply a cheaper form of the full component that the Nissan doctor had promised her. The Princess was saddened and dismayed, feeling that she had completely failed her beloved Altima.
A redemptive story: The Princess was near wit's end in her search. She had called and typed and researched until her fingers were sore and her melodious voice harsh from begging for the lowly replacement. She decided to make one last phone call; a last ditch effort to save her noble friend. The Princess called upon Zinsel, a glass wizard, and told him her long and sad tale, in the hopes that maybe he could help. The gentle and kind Zinsel replied, "Fear not, lovely Princess! I can heal your broken Altima! I can replace the appendage for a pittance. Only 893 gold pieces and your beleaguered motorcar will be as good as new!! (This roughly translates to $35) The Princess was overjoyed. She praised the glass wizard and promised to bring her Altima as soon as the mirror had been conjured. And even now, good denizens, the Princess rides to repair her Altima and the kingdom will rejoice. There will be much laughter, singing, and mirth. To the mead hall!!
An annoying story: In her sadness and remorse, the Princess took the Altima to a respected Nissan doctor who told her, "For sooth, great Princess, I cannot replace just the mirror. I must remove the entire casing because the Nissan God does not allow the mirror to be sold separately of its component. You must purchase the entire entity for 478,392 gold pieces." (This roughly translates to just over $300) The Princess was outraged by the doctor's analysis and refused to allow him to treat her valiant Altima and vowed to find the mirror on her own. For days and days she toiled over the phone and computer to find that every replacement was either not worthy of her gorgeous roadster, or was simply a cheaper form of the full component that the Nissan doctor had promised her. The Princess was saddened and dismayed, feeling that she had completely failed her beloved Altima.
A redemptive story: The Princess was near wit's end in her search. She had called and typed and researched until her fingers were sore and her melodious voice harsh from begging for the lowly replacement. She decided to make one last phone call; a last ditch effort to save her noble friend. The Princess called upon Zinsel, a glass wizard, and told him her long and sad tale, in the hopes that maybe he could help. The gentle and kind Zinsel replied, "Fear not, lovely Princess! I can heal your broken Altima! I can replace the appendage for a pittance. Only 893 gold pieces and your beleaguered motorcar will be as good as new!! (This roughly translates to $35) The Princess was overjoyed. She praised the glass wizard and promised to bring her Altima as soon as the mirror had been conjured. And even now, good denizens, the Princess rides to repair her Altima and the kingdom will rejoice. There will be much laughter, singing, and mirth. To the mead hall!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Considering that Bart and I are living in a new city, Bart has a new job, and we have acquired a new cat, I have surprisingly little to blog about. I think, though, that it all comes down to perception, and I am willing to bend mine to give a little of myself to my readers ("There is no spoon" name that movie). First things first, our new addition, PJ has firmly set herself into our hearts. Sh
e has become an instant playmate for Sherlock, with them running up and down the hallway and wrestling at 2 in the morning, and an extra little fuzzy thing for Bart and me to love on. She is truly precious and our little family is more complete with her around. She's actually sitting on the desk as I type this, as if she knows what I'm saying. Now, what else haven't I told you? Oh, my dance card is getting a bit fuller these days. I am thrilled to say that Angela is coming to see me next weekend and I can't wait for her visit! We don't have solid plans yet, but I am totally excited. Anyone want to join her? After Ang leaves, I'll be going out to visit with Mom and Bill for a long weekend and I'm really looking forward to that as well. It'll be nice to have some down time with them, since the last time I saw them we were all running through an airport trying to get home. March is bringing a trip up to Nashville with Conley (ROAD TRIP!!!) for Laura's wedding and a much-needed Diva reunion. And last but not least, Beth and Stephen are making their way to the Big Easy to visit Bourbon Street, and I'm sure a bead collecting contest will ensue at some point (or at least the guys wish). All this to say, I'm really excited about the next couple months. There's tons to do and fun people to see, so that helps the whole "perception" thing a bit. I think right now I'm just a bit down because of the whole not-having-a-job thing. It is so strange to have worked every day for so long and now have nothing. As I told Conley and Bradley earlier today, I find myself letting things go around the house just so I'll have more to do later. I mean, I organized our CDs the other day! Yes, I'm totally bored. The worst part, though, is that boredom + lack of job = lack of good moods. I am finding it harder and harder to be positive about things and I'm sure Bart is totally sick of me being such a baby about stuff. I keep trying, though, and that's all I can say. So, with all that on the table, my job search is in full swing (anyone know of any openings in NOLA?). I'm searching daily and will continue to do so. The one thing I know for sure is that I am totally blessed to have a wonderful husband and 2 loving cats to share my evenings with. I also have the most amazing family and friends who are always willing to commiserate and "cope" with me. Who could ask for anything more?

Fuzzy Things,
Just Odd,
Trials and Tribulations
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