Thursday, February 19, 2009

An Ode to Angela

Oh my dear Angela, how I love thee! Let me count the ways:
1. Talking and singing clams!
2. Great songs in a dirty pub.
3. Being brave enough to be "Lucid" (but you got a T-shirt for it).
4. Doing the pajama thing for an entire day.
5. Watching movies until our butts were sore.
6. Puppy Gras.
7. Searching out mask stores ('cause only one will do).
8. Seedy gay bars.
9. Seedy bars in general.
10. Playing pool with the locals.
11.... I could go on for a while here.
Suffice it to say, we had a blast with Angela in town. She blew in on a cloud of traffic-riddled frustration and it seemed the laughter didn't stop until it was time for her to go. I would post pictures of our grand and adventurous weekend, but not one of us had a camera and that's probably a good thing. It was great to show her around and show off our little town. I can't say that we did much of anything, but we did brave the French Quarter for a day and our timing was perfect. In the midst of Mardi Gras madness, we managed to go on the one day they were having a parade of dogs (thus "Puppy Gras"). Now when I say "parade of dogs," I'm not doing this thing justice. There were literally hundreds (maybe thousands?) of dogs dressed to the nines. They were decked out in everything from sailor suits to bumblebee costumes, had their toenails painted, fur dyed, all kinds of things. Needless to say, we could not have gone on a better day. The atmosphere made for a family friendly and tame crowd and it was awesome to see everyone all gussied up. This was just one of our many adventures, and there was so much more, but this blog just isn't big enough for all the details. I am so grateful Ang decided to come down and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed her visit. Ang, the door is always open and your room is ready whenever you'd like to come back. The offer is also open for my faithful readers. Come on down to the Big Easy and see what all the fuss is about. As for me, I'm off to Denver to see my Mom. Have a great weekend, everyone!


C said...

OH, I wish I could've been there. I miss you Angela!!! (and you too, Ari, of course).

Amanda Bradley said...

I am so jealous that you got to see Puppy Gras! I never knew there was such a thing, but I'm booking my stay in the Big Easy for PG 2010! Ari & Ang- can't wait to see you both very very soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever received an "ode" before! I am so honored! Ari and Bart(and sometimes Fes)- Thank you so much for taking me out on the town. I had a blast! I only wished it could have been longer. (I'm thinking April maybe...)And to everyone else- get your butts down there! And if you see Billy- tell him I said hi and challenge him to a game of pool! He especially loves to get beat by girls! ;^)
