Ok, enough of that. I'm sorry it's been so long. I'd love to have a great excuse for why I have been so remiss in my writing, but alas, I just haven't felt like it.
Things have been really crazy around here as most of you know. Bart has officially deployed to Afghanistan. He is safe and sound and getting a good handle on his new job out there. He's also been able to spend time with his brother Bill, and that's a good thing. On top of it all, he's found a stray kitten on base that he has decided to befriend. I am now charged with sending a care package to said Combat Kitty and finding a decent name for her. I'll try to supply a picture if Bart ever sends one.
As for me, I'm currently trying to keep my head on straight. I was able to spend some really good time with Mom right after Bart left, and we got to visit with my grandparents over Easter (not to mention a totally excellent, if not short, lunch with Bradley along the way). I also had a wonderful visit with Beth and Stephen when they were in town, and I'm sorry for the lack of recap on that one. Suffice it to say, it was an amazing time for all of us. Now I'm starting to plan all my trips and visits for the next couple months. So far I've got St. Louis, Nashville, Lexington, Denver and Indy on my list of places to go, and I'm sure my Mom will supply me with a few more as she is traveling extensively this summer. I also have a visit from Katie to look forward to, as well as a fun weekend coming up with Conley and Bradley.
I am also trying to start some sort of vocation up here from home. Jobs are scarce here in NOLA, so I am looking into doing some proofreading online. If anyone knows of a good way to break into this business, I am all ears. It seems like a great thing for me to do, with as much as I love to read, and it will also allow me the freedom to travel whenever I want. Sounds like a dre

Beyond all this, I am taking care of Sherlock and PJ, who are constant joys and companions for me. They made the trip to West Palm Beach over Easter and Mom and I had a blast taking pics of

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and that you haven't completely given up on me. I will keep up from here on out, now that my head is a bit more properly aligned with my body. Also, if anyone wants to send Bart a letter or email, let me know and I'll get you his info. Take care all, and I promise to get back in the saddle again ("I'm B

PS- Here are Bart and Bill on base together in A'stan. How awesome to get a picture of them both. Enjoy!