Ari says:
My creative juices aren't as freely flowing as they usually are today, but I will do my best as I try to recap the weekend's adventures. After work on Friday I sped home in the hopes of getting some errands taken care of before Katie and Neil showed up. Although they were crazy speedy, I was able to get everything done and we had an awesome night watching funny videos (You did come to my mind), listening to music, imbibing and catching up. (Side note: Sherlock did not hiss once, actually curled up with Neil on the couch, and this was all after his day-o'-hell at the vet.) Saturday dawned for Neil, but Katie and I snoozed until late in the morning/afternoon. We had a great lunch at Cozymel's (yes, again) and were going to head to visit downtown Franklin, but our plans were thwarted by weather. Instead we spent the afternoon learning as much as we could about Ultimate Fighting (they have their own reality tv show). We finally were able to go visit Bradley before she and Little B headed out of town. Angela joined us and we sat outside at the house visiting and enjoying the evening. It wasn't easy to leave, but I know I'll get to see Bradley & Co. soon, and I was lucky to have the support of great friends. We decided that we'd try downtown Franklin again and headed to McCreary's Irish Pub for some amazing food and fantastic live music. I'm usually not a fan (of live music in small settings), but these guys were awesome. The evening wrapped up with more chatting and just a good all-around time. Well, it must have been in their blood because Katie and Neil were Speedy McSpeedersons Sunday morning and were out and on the road by about 8:10. I finished my book and took a little nap. I was dreading the day's events and, therefore, procrastinating. Finally I realized that I must get it over with. What was this oh-so-daunting task? I had to give the cat a flea bath and manage to keep all my appendages at the same time. Well, I'm sure you can imagine the Comedy of Errors that ensued, but suffice it to say that although Sherlock was in the tub for about 15 minutes, I was probably more drenched than he was after the fact. I will say that he only jumped out of the tub once and didn't bite me at all (ergo, all appendages are intact). It was just miserable listening to his pitiful howling and suffering through his gaze of "Why do you hate me so?" and "Was I bad? I'll fix it, I promise!" Long story short, we got it all taken care of and the battle of the fleas is coming to an end. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and reading. I'm really good at both of those things. The odd thing about the day was how subdued Sherlock was after his ordeal. He slept like a fiend and I actually got a little worried about him. Sally told me that he was probably still wiped out from his day at the vet and this in combination with the bath just took its toll (2nd side note: Sally has a new blog and you should totally check it out here). It just struck me as strange that he wasn't playing, biting or howling at all. Yesterday was the same, although he showed a bit more life last night. Yes, at 2:30 this morning the howling started back up and he managed to knock Bart's lamp off the nightstand, thoroughly scaring the crap out of both of us. Yeah, I think the cat's fine. I think that's all for me at the moment. I'm thrilled that I'm leaving tomorrow to go see Bart. Not only do I get to leave work early and be gone for two days, but I get to see my sweet husband and spend some much needed time with him. Our anniversary is this Sunday, so it will be a great weekend for us. I hope this week is going well for you all and that it is very short and your weekend long. These are my prayers for each of you.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Much Ado About Blogging
Ari says:
I know it's Friday and I should have a plethora of stories and catastrophes with which to regale you, but I'm tapped. Apparently nothing is going on around here. So instead of me making up something (because I'm really not good at that), I'm just going to list some of the random things that are on my mind:
- I had to take Sherlock to the vet this morning and it broke my heart. Bart and I don't have kids yet, but he's our baby and just handing him over to the nurse is so hard. He gives me that look like I'm the worst Mom in the world and how could I do that to him?! I tried to explain that this was only to make him feel better, but I don't think he was listening.
- I am so excited that Katie and Neil are coming down tonight. We don't have any big plans and I think that makes it even better. Now, if only Beth and Stephen would make the trek, all would be well, but it will be a great weekend nonetheless.
- I am (selfishly) thrilled that I get to spend a little extra time with Bradley and BJ before they head to P-cola. I hate the reason they're staying longer, but am glad for the extra time.
- Although I have wished and prayed for this for a very long time, my life is getting ready to be turned upside down and, although I'm ready, I'm scared and nervous. I'm anticipating a new life and trying not to pre-form it in my head, but allow God to work and make it what He wants.
- I am really hungry this morning.
- I get to see Bart next Wednesday for our anniversary (yes, it's been a year already) and can't wait to get out there.
- It is really gloomy outside right now and the perfect time for a nap. I hope I don't fall asleep in my meeting.
Yeah, I think that's all I've got right now. I know, I'm totally boring, but I promised Katie I would blog, so here you go. Also, here is a random picture that just makes me smile.

Happy Friday to you all. Have a wonderful weekend, be safe and know that you are loved (not necessarily by me, but I'm sure there's someone out there who does...) (oh, give me a break, I don't know who all is reading this, so I don't want to make a blanket statement that I can't back up, right? Ok fine, you're right. I'm a bad person).
Fuzzy Things,
Just Odd,
Monday, June 16, 2008
There's a Bump on the Log in the Hole in the Middle of the Sea
Ari says:
Ok, so either you know the song and have had a laugh and are now singing the song, or you think I've lost it this morning (which is probably true). For those of you "in the know" go on and sing and then you can finish reading later. If you don't know the song, your childhood was lacking. Enough of all that, let's get to the weekend. I had been really looking forward to this weekend for a while and it did not disappoint. Angela and I had a great dinner at Cozy's and then a chill night on the couch with a movie. I won't talk about the movie simply because it wasn't good enough to waste too much time on. We stayed up talking and enjoying the brief storm, but soon enough it was time for bed. I got up bright and early Saturday morning. No, these were not the actions of a crazy woman; I went to pick Conley up from the airport. She was coming in to visit with Bradley and BJ (it's my blog, I can call him what I want) before their move to P-cola. We did some shopping and errand running, but before long were over at the Bradley household to visit, play with the baby and commence the mini Diva Convention. What an awesome day! We spent practically all of it outside on the porch, passing around the baby and just enjoying each other's company. We did sing to little BJ, who seemed to enjoy it, and it's always difficult for the three of us to pass up a chance to sing together. All too soon, though, it was time to go home for the night. Conley, Angela and I attempted to watch The Last Unicorn (fantastically cheesy cartoon movie from our childhood), but Conley peaced out with 14 minutes left to go. New rule: if you pick the movie and others have to suffer through it, you have to stay up and finish it. Oh well, it was fun to revisit this once-forgotten story (it also made me realize just how brain dead we are as children). Sunday came all too soon and Conley and I got up and ready to meet her parents for lunch. We had an awesome lunch at Cozy's (yes, that was twice in one weekend), and it was great to catch up with her parents. On the way out the door, I engaged in one of those I'm-trying-to-let-someone-pass-by-me-but-they're-trying-to-let-me-pass-them dance routines with a guy who was presumably coming in for a late lunch. We finally got our steps in the right order and as we passed each other I oh-so-gracefully smashed the top of my thigh into a wooden bench. No, it didn't feel good at all, and by the time I got home and put my comfies on there was a 5 inch long, 3 inch wide fuchsia lump on the top of my leg (my not so lovely lady lump). Hence the "bump on the log" title reference. Trust me when I say that this thing isn't pretty and hurts like a mug. Anyway, when I got home, Angela came over and we watched our other rental from Friday night, "The Bucket List" (or Suck-it List as Conley would call it). We both really enjoyed it, but compared it to a deeper "Grumpy Old Men." It was basically a vehicle for two great actors with a nice life message. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching Smallville and relaxing. I know, nothing too exciting and I only hurt myself once. I promise to try and get into something embarrassing soon. Hope you're all well and have a wonderful week!
Ok, so either you know the song and have had a laugh and are now singing the song, or you think I've lost it this morning (which is probably true). For those of you "in the know" go on and sing and then you can finish reading later. If you don't know the song, your childhood was lacking. Enough of all that, let's get to the weekend. I had been really looking forward to this weekend for a while and it did not disappoint. Angela and I had a great dinner at Cozy's and then a chill night on the couch with a movie. I won't talk about the movie simply because it wasn't good enough to waste too much time on. We stayed up talking and enjoying the brief storm, but soon enough it was time for bed. I got up bright and early Saturday morning. No, these were not the actions of a crazy woman; I went to pick Conley up from the airport. She was coming in to visit with Bradley and BJ (it's my blog, I can call him what I want) before their move to P-cola. We did some shopping and errand running, but before long were over at the Bradley household to visit, play with the baby and commence the mini Diva Convention. What an awesome day! We spent practically all of it outside on the porch, passing around the baby and just enjoying each other's company. We did sing to little BJ, who seemed to enjoy it, and it's always difficult for the three of us to pass up a chance to sing together. All too soon, though, it was time to go home for the night. Conley, Angela and I attempted to watch The Last Unicorn (fantastically cheesy cartoon movie from our childhood), but Conley peaced out with 14 minutes left to go. New rule: if you pick the movie and others have to suffer through it, you have to stay up and finish it. Oh well, it was fun to revisit this once-forgotten story (it also made me realize just how brain dead we are as children). Sunday came all too soon and Conley and I got up and ready to meet her parents for lunch. We had an awesome lunch at Cozy's (yes, that was twice in one weekend), and it was great to catch up with her parents. On the way out the door, I engaged in one of those I'm-trying-to-let-someone-pass-by-me-but-they're-trying-to-let-me-pass-them dance routines with a guy who was presumably coming in for a late lunch. We finally got our steps in the right order and as we passed each other I oh-so-gracefully smashed the top of my thigh into a wooden bench. No, it didn't feel good at all, and by the time I got home and put my comfies on there was a 5 inch long, 3 inch wide fuchsia lump on the top of my leg (my not so lovely lady lump). Hence the "bump on the log" title reference. Trust me when I say that this thing isn't pretty and hurts like a mug. Anyway, when I got home, Angela came over and we watched our other rental from Friday night, "The Bucket List" (or Suck-it List as Conley would call it). We both really enjoyed it, but compared it to a deeper "Grumpy Old Men." It was basically a vehicle for two great actors with a nice life message. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching Smallville and relaxing. I know, nothing too exciting and I only hurt myself once. I promise to try and get into something embarrassing soon. Hope you're all well and have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Shame on Everyone
Ari says:
Please excuse my mood this morning, but I had a rough night and a rotten commute, which just tends to start the day off on the wrong foot. Anyway, since I've found that ya'll don't like hearing about precious babies that have been brought into the world (or maybe just don't care), I guess I'll just tell you about my drive into work this morning. As I stepped out my door today, I noticed that it was a bit cooler than it had been in recent mornings, and noted that it was going to be a gorgeous day. Maybe my lack of sleep wouldn't affect me too badly. I hopped in the truck and headed for the road. (Disclaimer: Now, I will admit to not being the most calm driver in the world, but I try to keep my "outbursts" within my car, generally commenting on the upbringing and genealogy of other drivers, and then speeding past them.) So, I'm happily driving down Moores in the right lane when (just before a traffic light) the guy in the left lane starts to pull into my lane, however I'm already occupying the spot. This wouldn't have been a big deal (the truck could have done some damage to his little Honda), but he turned on his turn signal and just started pulling over without even looking. It was like he had made a declaration of what he was doing and was then entitled to do so regardless of anyone around him. I was able to find my horn (and keep my cool) and let him know that this wasn't the case. For normal people or even highly functioning social outcasts, this would be the end of the encounter. Not this guy. He responds by laying on his horn for about 15 seconds, throwing his hands up in the air, flipping (flicking?) the bird and actually yelling at me like I could hear him (or cared what he had to say). He finally got behind me and continued on this escapade until we were both on the interstate. I actually had to laugh at him and this ridiculous display. Not only was he just freaking out, but his face was turning really red and he looked like he was about to burst. Now, don't get me wrong, this was all a very humorous situation, but it really got me to thinking (and pre-7 am is too early for that). This is what real "road rage" looks like. Yes, I get frustrated. Yes, I cuss and squirm and pass those that get in my way. But, it kinda got to me that if this guy had some sort of weapon, he wouldn't have been hard pressed to use it. This all just reiterated to me that, as a society, our tolerance for each other is slipping day by day and our sense of entitlement is growing by leaps and bounds. What happened to "please and thank you," or a simple "have a nice day (Bon Jovi not withstanding)?" These things are becoming less and less prevalent and the toll it is taking is becoming more and more apparent. Do me a favor: smile at someone today or say "hi" just 'cuz. I'll make an effort and hope that you will too.
Please excuse my mood this morning, but I had a rough night and a rotten commute, which just tends to start the day off on the wrong foot. Anyway, since I've found that ya'll don't like hearing about precious babies that have been brought into the world (or maybe just don't care), I guess I'll just tell you about my drive into work this morning. As I stepped out my door today, I noticed that it was a bit cooler than it had been in recent mornings, and noted that it was going to be a gorgeous day. Maybe my lack of sleep wouldn't affect me too badly. I hopped in the truck and headed for the road. (Disclaimer: Now, I will admit to not being the most calm driver in the world, but I try to keep my "outbursts" within my car, generally commenting on the upbringing and genealogy of other drivers, and then speeding past them.) So, I'm happily driving down Moores in the right lane when (just before a traffic light) the guy in the left lane starts to pull into my lane, however I'm already occupying the spot. This wouldn't have been a big deal (the truck could have done some damage to his little Honda), but he turned on his turn signal and just started pulling over without even looking. It was like he had made a declaration of what he was doing and was then entitled to do so regardless of anyone around him. I was able to find my horn (and keep my cool) and let him know that this wasn't the case. For normal people or even highly functioning social outcasts, this would be the end of the encounter. Not this guy. He responds by laying on his horn for about 15 seconds, throwing his hands up in the air, flipping (flicking?) the bird and actually yelling at me like I could hear him (or cared what he had to say). He finally got behind me and continued on this escapade until we were both on the interstate. I actually had to laugh at him and this ridiculous display. Not only was he just freaking out, but his face was turning really red and he looked like he was about to burst. Now, don't get me wrong, this was all a very humorous situation, but it really got me to thinking (and pre-7 am is too early for that). This is what real "road rage" looks like. Yes, I get frustrated. Yes, I cuss and squirm and pass those that get in my way. But, it kinda got to me that if this guy had some sort of weapon, he wouldn't have been hard pressed to use it. This all just reiterated to me that, as a society, our tolerance for each other is slipping day by day and our sense of entitlement is growing by leaps and bounds. What happened to "please and thank you," or a simple "have a nice day (Bon Jovi not withstanding)?" These things are becoming less and less prevalent and the toll it is taking is becoming more and more apparent. Do me a favor: smile at someone today or say "hi" just 'cuz. I'll make an effort and hope that you will too.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Welcome to the World

Ari says:
Congratulations are in order! Bring out the cigars and champagne... IT'S A BOY!!! Mr. Bradley Derek Vilendrer has joined us in this world and I couldn't be more thrilled. Of course I have deemed myself "Aunt Ari" to the precious bundle, and I don't think Bradley Senior will mind too much if I continue to call him BJ (for Bradley Junior, duh). But, as with all posts on this page, we'll have to rewind a bit to see just how we got there. To read the parent's perspective on the pregnancy, click the link above, as you will find only my ridiculous sagas contained here. As you read last week, Wednesday was Beth and Katie's birthday. I was sad that I didn't get to spend that time with them and rather embarrassed that I didn't have their presents in time to send them. So, in an attempt to make it up to them, I decided to head up to the big Lex-Town for the weekend. I knew that with the baby coming in a week and a half, Mom trying to come into town and our anniversary coming up so soon, that it would be quite a while before I could get back up to my hometown. Friday morning dawned, I packed the truck, fed the cat and headed to work for my shortened day. Got all my junk done and was able to get on the road at a decent time. I was just happy that I was going to make it to town before 10 pm for once. Anyway, when I got to Katie's house, she had a beverage of choice (read: beer) waiting for me, and we sat outside staring longingly at her (gorgeous) pool and getting ourselves ready to head over to a Lexington Legends game. A group of people were tailgating (yeah, I've never heard of tailgating at a baseball game either) and then were going in to watch. We got to the ballpark and first thing, I make a total ass of myself. I jump out of the car to greet Beth and am dressed in essentially a wife-beater and green khakis (Katie and I had joked earlier that I was bringing out my inner lesbian) (and yes, I had a sweater on at work so that I was appropriate). Of course, my proper greeting to Beth is, "Look Bethie! I'm dressed like a lesbian!" She ran to me, gave me a huge hug, while laughing hysterically and said, "There are lesbians here." What a great way to start off the night. Oh well, I successfully avoided them the rest of the time, and, trust me when I say that we had on similar attire and I had no trouble spotting the aforementioned couple. Anyway, we gorged ourselves on way yummy food (Christina is the tailgating queen) and then headed into the game (and promptly seated ourselves at the bar). We had a great time sitting around talking and catching up. Soon, though, it was time to head out. Katie went home and I left with Beth, Stephen and Kevin for Georgetown. We got to the house and decided to walk the mile to the local pub (the walk home was way more entertaining). We met tons of interesting characters and amused ourselves with seeing just how much we could confuse our befuddled server. After finally getting back to the house, it wasn't long before Beth and I were in bed (not together). Saturday dawned with a mild headache and bottomless pit that was my stomach. Beth, Stephen and I ordered some much needed greasy food and settled in for a day of crap tv. We all decided that since we were going to a cookout at the Garrity's house (a celebration of the twins' birthday), we would head over early to spend extra time with Katie. As we settled in with food and remote in hand my phone rang. "BradleyCell" it read, so I grabbed it to see how "Little Mama" was doing. "I'm on my way to the hospital," she says. Figures. I leave town in anticipation that I won't be able to for a while and that's when she decides to go into labor. Thanks a lot. I waited for actual confirmation that she was indeed being admitted and jumped in the truck for a Speed Racer version of the drive from Lexington to Nashville. At 4:58 pm on June 7th, 2008 (06-07-08), little Bradley was born. He weighs 8 lbs. and is 20 inches long and is perfect. We've been waiting a long time for this little bundle and he most certainly did not disappoint. I can't wait to see how he grows and changes, and molds the lives around him.
Friday, June 6, 2008
About a Blog
Ari says:
I am in mourning. I would have worn black today, but it didn't go with my brown shoes. In setting up this silly little website/blog, I've actually become rather attached to it. I've taken care in its appearance and have methodically ruled which topics are and are not appropriate. In essence, this is a new hobby for me (too bad I'm not getting exercise while doing this. Side note: doesn't "blogging" or "to blog" sound like it should involve some sort of physical activity?). All this being said, I had quite a moment when I got in yesterday. The day started like any other; I checked my work email, responded to some, scoffed at others and then checked my personal email (followed same procedure), and then I hopped over to the blog to check for any comments or just to see if inspiration would jolt me like a bolt of lightning. Oh, I got a shock all right. The title of my blog had mysteriously moved overnight and the layout was quite changed and disturbing. I spent a bit of time (more than I should document) trying to figure out what was going on and then enlisted the help of the Diva Blogger herself to get this straightened out. However, it was all to no avail. Apparently my template has been changed and I am stuck. There is nothing I can do to return my lovely little blog back to its former glory. I am mildly undone (but happy that I have a topic to lament over). I hope the retched appearance of this layout is not offensive to any of you, but please know this was not intentional and I also hope that this does not assuage your drive to return to this humble place. Please, accept my apologies and grieve with me.
I am in mourning. I would have worn black today, but it didn't go with my brown shoes. In setting up this silly little website/blog, I've actually become rather attached to it. I've taken care in its appearance and have methodically ruled which topics are and are not appropriate. In essence, this is a new hobby for me (too bad I'm not getting exercise while doing this. Side note: doesn't "blogging" or "to blog" sound like it should involve some sort of physical activity?). All this being said, I had quite a moment when I got in yesterday. The day started like any other; I checked my work email, responded to some, scoffed at others and then checked my personal email (followed same procedure), and then I hopped over to the blog to check for any comments or just to see if inspiration would jolt me like a bolt of lightning. Oh, I got a shock all right. The title of my blog had mysteriously moved overnight and the layout was quite changed and disturbing. I spent a bit of time (more than I should document) trying to figure out what was going on and then enlisted the help of the Diva Blogger herself to get this straightened out. However, it was all to no avail. Apparently my template has been changed and I am stuck. There is nothing I can do to return my lovely little blog back to its former glory. I am mildly undone (but happy that I have a topic to lament over). I hope the retched appearance of this layout is not offensive to any of you, but please know this was not intentional and I also hope that this does not assuage your drive to return to this humble place. Please, accept my apologies and grieve with me.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Twin Peaks
Ari says:

Please prepare yourselves for a glutinous mass, oozing with schmaltz and sap (you've been warned). Today is Beth and Katie's birthday and I have to give a big nod to them on this very special day. As I've mentioned before, these lovely ladies are two of the most amazing people in the world. I truly consider myself a better person for knowing them, and consider myself blessed to call them friends. Although they are quite a pair, and their "twin-ness" can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, these two are individuals unlike any others. Their generosity, love and devotion are all complimented by their drive, passion and ability to see the best in every person and situation. I honestly don't think I could say enough, so I'll make it short and sweet. I love these girls and couldn't ask for better companions in this crazy life. Thank you, both for all you are and have a wonderful birthday.
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