Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shame on Everyone

Ari says:
Please excuse my mood this morning, but I had a rough night and a rotten commute, which just tends to start the day off on the wrong foot. Anyway, since I've found that ya'll don't like hearing about precious babies that have been brought into the world (or maybe just don't care), I guess I'll just tell you about my drive into work this morning. As I stepped out my door today, I noticed that it was a bit cooler than it had been in recent mornings, and noted that it was going to be a gorgeous day. Maybe my lack of sleep wouldn't affect me too badly. I hopped in the truck and headed for the road. (Disclaimer: Now, I will admit to not being the most calm driver in the world, but I try to keep my "outbursts" within my car, generally commenting on the upbringing and genealogy of other drivers, and then speeding past them.) So, I'm happily driving down Moores in the right lane when (just before a traffic light) the guy in the left lane starts to pull into my lane, however I'm already occupying the spot. This wouldn't have been a big deal (the truck could have done some damage to his little Honda), but he turned on his turn signal and just started pulling over without even looking. It was like he had made a declaration of what he was doing and was then entitled to do so regardless of anyone around him. I was able to find my horn (and keep my cool) and let him know that this wasn't the case. For normal people or even highly functioning social outcasts, this would be the end of the encounter. Not this guy. He responds by laying on his horn for about 15 seconds, throwing his hands up in the air, flipping (flicking?) the bird and actually yelling at me like I could hear him (or cared what he had to say). He finally got behind me and continued on this escapade until we were both on the interstate. I actually had to laugh at him and this ridiculous display. Not only was he just freaking out, but his face was turning really red and he looked like he was about to burst. Now, don't get me wrong, this was all a very humorous situation, but it really got me to thinking (and pre-7 am is too early for that). This is what real "road rage" looks like. Yes, I get frustrated. Yes, I cuss and squirm and pass those that get in my way. But, it kinda got to me that if this guy had some sort of weapon, he wouldn't have been hard pressed to use it. This all just reiterated to me that, as a society, our tolerance for each other is slipping day by day and our sense of entitlement is growing by leaps and bounds. What happened to "please and thank you," or a simple "have a nice day (Bon Jovi not withstanding)?" These things are becoming less and less prevalent and the toll it is taking is becoming more and more apparent. Do me a favor: smile at someone today or say "hi" just 'cuz. I'll make an effort and hope that you will too.


Katie said...

Oo Oo! Hi!

C said...

Ari--what an awesome entry. I frequently wonder what has happened to etiquette and manners and people just chilling out and realizing the world is so much bigger than stupid little things. Sadly, we as a society are truly developing a sense of entitlement and selfishness, spawned by parents who are afraid to discipline or deny their children and in turn, children who get everything they want with no true guidance. It's a devastating cycle. And for the record, I was so freaking excited about Baby Bradley's birth that I high-tailed out of your site without leaving a comment to go straight to her blog to look for more info or pics!

Anonymous said...

:) Way to make an effort spread niceness! Drivers are horrib;e out here in CA too(I am sure Bart can relate)Some guy tried to fight Dave using a club, you know those theft deterant sterring wheel things!! I was on the phone with Dave at the time and we were both scared the guy had a gun!! Its not funny these days. I will do my part to spread some patience and understanding...and to instill some in my kids!