Ari says:
There are times when I sit back and am overcome with emotions. The emotions tend to vary, and I sit and ponder how extreme and powerful they are. For example, I truly love Bart with everything that is in me, but every once in a while something (a thought, a memory, etc) will pop into my head and mentally head-slap me with just how strongly I feel for him. I usually end up crying for a minute and then calling him to tell him just how much I love him. I had a similar experience last night. I was watching a movie and all of the sudden a massive wave of gratitude came over me. I realized just how blessed I really am. Not only do I have a wonderful husband, who I love and adore, but I have a family who would bend over backwards for me if I needed it (especially my Mom, who I've told you about), two precious little sisters, amazing friends who I would not be able to survive without, a roof over my head and the ability to live a life that I love. How could I ever ask for more or be upset with my current situation? I actually paused my movie and thought long and hard about these things and how I am so very apt to take all these things for granted. It also made me want to thank each of those individuals in my life. You all know who you are and you know how I feel about you. Please know how special each of you are to me. Anyway, the reason I wanted to share this was because it is an amazing feeling. I wanted to pass this on to you in the hopes that it could spread and give you the same joy and appreciation that it has given me. So, what are you thankful for?
I am thankful for many things. I look at my life and think about what I have. An amazing husband, wonderful kids, and great friends. I thank God for these things daily, even when the days are tough. Yes, Ari, I thank God daily for you...without you...I just don't want to think about it. *kisses*
I have an awesome job, a wonderful family and friends who I adore!! I too am more blessed than I deserve! God amazes me everyday with all the things I really do have, even though I tend to dwell on those I don't.
I will miss you too much!! ~Ang
I am thankful for you Aribear! I am also thankful for my son, my husband, my twin, all my friends, my family, and my life.
I am also thankful for your blog and the momentary relief from the drudgery of work it brings. I am thankful for funny pictures and videos on the internet for the same reason. I am thankful for ranch dressing and the indescriminate condiment it is. I am also thankful for Thursdays being my Fridays. And ponytail holders. Without them, I would be a hot mess.
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