Ari says:
Congratulations are in order! Bring out the cigars and champagne... IT'S A BOY!!! Mr. Bradley Derek Vilendrer has joined us in this world and I couldn't be more thrilled. Of course I have deemed myself "Aunt Ari" to the precious bundle, and I don't think Bradley Senior will mind too much if I continue to call him BJ (for Bradley Junior, duh). But, as with all posts on this page, we'll have to rewind a bit to see just how we got there. To read the parent's perspective on the pregnancy, click the link above, as you will find only my ridiculous sagas contained here. As you read last week, Wednesday was Beth and Katie's birthday. I was sad that I didn't get to spend that time with them and rather embarrassed that I didn't have their presents in time to send them. So, in an attempt to make it up to them, I decided to head up to the big Lex-Town for the weekend. I knew that with the baby coming in a week and a half, Mom trying to come into town and our anniversary coming up so soon, that it would be quite a while before I could get back up to my hometown. Friday morning dawned, I packed the truck, fed the cat and headed to work for my shortened day. Got all my junk done and was able to get on the road at a decent time. I was just happy that I was going to make it to town before 10 pm for once. Anyway, when I got to Katie's house, she had a beverage of choice (read: beer) waiting for me, and we sat outside staring longingly at her (gorgeous) pool and getting ourselves ready to head over to a Lexington Legends game. A group of people were tailgating (yeah, I've never heard of tailgating at a baseball game either) and then were going in to watch. We got to the ballpark and first thing, I make a total ass of myself. I jump out of the car to greet Beth and am dressed in essentially a wife-beater and green khakis (Katie and I had joked earlier that I was bringing out my inner lesbian) (and yes, I had a sweater on at work so that I was appropriate). Of course, my proper greeting to Beth is, "Look Bethie! I'm dressed like a lesbian!" She ran to me, gave me a huge hug, while laughing hysterically and said, "There are lesbians here." What a great way to start off the night. Oh well, I successfully avoided them the rest of the time, and, trust me when I say that we had on similar attire and I had no trouble spotting the aforementioned couple. Anyway, we gorged ourselves on way yummy food (Christina is the tailgating queen) and then headed into the game (and promptly seated ourselves at the bar). We had a great time sitting around talking and catching up. Soon, though, it was time to head out. Katie went home and I left with Beth, Stephen and Kevin for Georgetown. We got to the house and decided to walk the mile to the local pub (the walk home was way more entertaining). We met tons of interesting characters and amused ourselves with seeing just how much we could confuse our befuddled server. After finally getting back to the house, it wasn't long before Beth and I were in bed (not together). Saturday dawned with a mild headache and bottomless pit that was my stomach. Beth, Stephen and I ordered some much needed greasy food and settled in for a day of crap tv. We all decided that since we were going to a cookout at the Garrity's house (a celebration of the twins' birthday), we would head over early to spend extra time with Katie. As we settled in with food and remote in hand my phone rang. "BradleyCell" it read, so I grabbed it to see how "Little Mama" was doing. "I'm on my way to the hospital," she says. Figures. I leave town in anticipation that I won't be able to for a while and that's when she decides to go into labor. Thanks a lot. I waited for actual confirmation that she was indeed being admitted and jumped in the truck for a Speed Racer version of the drive from Lexington to Nashville. At 4:58 pm on June 7th, 2008 (06-07-08), little Bradley was born. He weighs 8 lbs. and is 20 inches long and is perfect. We've been waiting a long time for this little bundle and he most certainly did not disappoint. I can't wait to see how he grows and changes, and molds the lives around him.
I will comment about your blog "aunt ari" because baby Bradley is definitely a gorgeous bundle of joy and I'm not just saying that because i am his Grandma B!!! HE IS A CUTIE!!!
I like baby Bradley, too!
Congratulations to Amanda and Brian on your little Gemini! Greatest sign in the Zodiac! :)
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