Ari says:
Sniffle and sigh, my long-awaited and glorious weekend has come to an end. I headed out to San Diego to finally spend some time with my husband. It had been entirely too long (8 weeks) since we had seen one another and I expected a rocky start to our adventures, but we had nothing of the sort. Friday was dinner and a great night of catching up. We also decided that we would celebrate the "3 Days of Birthday." I had three presents for Bart and since I'm horrible at waiting to give someone something, we agreed that one present a day would be fun. Bart proceeded to sing "On the first day of birthday my true love gave to me...." and we had a great time going through the presents one by one each day (I'll let Bart tell you what he got). Saturday was some fun shopping at an outlet mall and then an awesome dinner with "the fam," drinks at a pub and then a fun, impromptu party back at Karl Strauss (no, not my German friend Karl's residence, but rather his restaurant which is situated in the parking lot of the resort where Bart is staying) (and not that I have a friend named Karl, I was just being silly). The place has great food and drinks, and a fun staff that doesn't mind if you're loud and obnoxious. I also got a chance to meet some of the guys that Bart is flying with, so it was awesome to finally put faces with names. Sunday was Bart's Birthday (Happy Birthday to my sweetest!), and we took an awesome drive through the mountains and Cleveland National Park. First off, I don't know why it's called that since it's in California, and second, if you're looking for this park on Google Earth, make sure you you start your search at San Juan Capistrano, CA and not San Luis Obispo, CA. That'll make it much easier to find, trust me. We topped the evening off with some thoroughly sought-after sushi, a quick dip in the hot tub and some crap tv (thanks for indulging me, honey). Monday took us to the base for a couple admin items and then it was back to the airport. This weekend was very tough to close out, but I am holding on to the hope of seeing Bart for Memorial Day weekend (that would only be 4 weeks away). If not, we'll get back together for our 1 year anniversary in June.
For Bart Only: Thank you for a wonderful weekend, Baby. I miss you already, but know that we'll get back together soon. Until then, fly safe, behave and go get some of those great shirts we saw at the mall. They'd look great on you. I love you so very much.