Ari says:
It isn't any secret that I love our cat Sherlock. He is basically our child and we treat him as such. As with all children, though, my fuzzy child is going through a new phase. Well, lucky me, Sherlock has returned to an old favorite: howling at anything and everything in the dead of the night. For the past week or two between 3:30 and 4 in the morning I have received a lovely little wake-up call from the ball-0-fur, who is usually perched on some piece of furniture and has just decided it is the perfect time to demonstrate the full extent of his vocal chords. This performance is usually followed by me basically flopping out of bed and then chasing the offender around the room until I can put him out and shut the bedroom door. I don't understand our cat and have never claimed to, but some things that just really get to me are that: 1. he won't do this in another room, just in the bedroom, 2. he runs from me when I try to put him out, and 3. he's silent after I lock him out of the room. Not a chirrup or purr escapes until I let him back in the room for our morning ritual of "let's-knock-everything-off-the-counter-while-mom-is-trying-to-get-ready." Don't get me wrong, I love this precious monster, but sometimes (ie. 3:45 am being awoken from a dead sleep) I think very bad things about him.
Ari, this is great practice for when you have a screaming baby at 11pm, 2am, 3am and 6am. But you know, I've never tried just shoving the baby out of the room and shutting the door. Maybe that's the solution! Luckily, Kate's been sleeping through the night for a while now. But, lucky us, we get to start the cycle all over again this October! Maybe for this child I'll try your technique :)
Dear Sherlock. I'm sorry I forgot about you this weekend. Glad you didn't burn the apartment down. Please be nice to your mom though, and stop howling in the middle of the night. She needs her sleep.
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