Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring is in the Air

Ari says:
Yeah right and let me add P-shaw! It was 34 degrees outside when I drove to work this morning. Come on. I mean really?! Yes, things are in bloom and there are lovely colors everywhere, but the fact that I wore a sweater and jacket today is just not right in the middle of April. (Please note that the following actions are all being done in excess at this moment: extending of lower lip, stomping of right foot, head rolling back onto scrunched shoulders and slight raising of outer right nostril to display utter distaste.) Yes folks, you have all just witnessed an S&S hissy. I am not a fan of being cold, although I know Bart is crigning right now. Ok, allow me to modify that statement, I don't like being cold when you shouldn't be. Dead of winter, snow outside, fire going... cold. I get it and actually enjoy it. Football game, cool, crisp autumn weather, chili and hot dogs to keep you warm.... cold. I get it and actually enjoy it. Middle of April, sunshine, flowers in bloom, bees bombarding my porch and having to scrape off the car in the morning.... cold. I don't get it and I don't enjoy it. Nope. I veto this weather.


Amanda Bradley said...

I conquer and sympathize. We've had snow in TN in April before, so don't get too used to that lovely spring weather we were experiencing.

Katie said...

Amen sister! I don't get it or like it either. This kind of weather is reserved for the fall, not the spring.

Anonymous said...

Where the heck did that beautiful poem go?!?!?