Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This is Only a Test

Ari says:

I am a weak woman; a woman of little substance you might say. I swore that I would never become one of the dreaded "bloggers", but here I am, typing my first post and feeling a shameful tingle of excitement that I might actually accrue a comment. Sadness. Anyway, before I start regaling you with fantastic stories, amazing demonstrations of my lexicon and pure entertainment, I must check to see that I have set this contraption up correctly. Stay tuned....
(Disclaimer: I love to read other people's blogs and really don't think of you as "dreaded." Also, no Bibles were injured or sworn upon during the refusal to create a blog.)


Anonymous said...

Yay! I love Ariana and Bart and an Ariana and Bart blog is going to be FANTASTIC!! Welcome to the blogging club! ;)

C said...

I LOVE it!!!! So glad you're part of the adult "my space". And by the way, I died laughing when I read that "felt obligated"...ha!!! I didn't, but wanted you to know i visited and I'm happy you're here.

Amanda Bradley said...

ah naw, hell naw, yall done cut his mullet!