Thursday, May 22, 2008

38 Hours

Ari says:
But who's counting, really? Tomorrow night Bart is coming home for the holiday weekend, and I'm not excited or anything. Nope, not even a little. I mean, honestly, I don't even like him all that much. Right. The great thing is that we don't have any big plans (except for going to see Prince Caspian), we're just going to take it easy and do whatever we feel like. To give you an insight into how my wacko brain works: for the past few days I've been singing "Here Comes the Snake" by Cherry Poppin' Daddies to myself (no, I'm not being crude, Bart flies a Cobra that they sometimes refer to as "the Snake") (And now you say to yourself, "Well, the title of the blog is making a bit more sense now..."). Wow, this is a boring blog. Sorry you guys. I'll try to hurt myself either today or tomorrow so that I can regale you with my tales of woe. As for now I seem to be in good health and that makes for less-than-stellar blogging. I hope you all have a very speedy Friday Eve and that your weekend stretches on forever.


Katie said...

TGI Th!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited 4u! YAY! I think of the two of you daily....and hope this finds you well...and holding each other tight....
do everything this weekend that you normally wouldn't...but I smooches

MamaB said...

Have a great great weekend with the Bartman and then come see us soon. I am back with the "living" after last week.