Ari says:
I know you all see me as this lithe and graceful, multi-dimensional, intelligent and beautiful woman (and I hate to shatter this illusion), but, contrary to popular belief, I too have my faults. I'll give you a minute to get over the shock.... Now that I have you all back with me, I must confess that from time to time I am prone to an attack of clumsiness. Last night was one of those instances. Yes, dear reader, I was in the shower after my workout (don't worry, this is family friendly) and was almost finished when I realized that my bottle of shower gel was creeping to the low side of the bottle. Side note: Usually, I leave my bottles open in the shower so that I don't have to mess with wet and soapy hands trying to grapple open a container of conditioner or whatnot, but when they get low, I close them and turn them upside-down to get out every last drop. Anyway, it was that time for the shower gel and I pulled it down, closed the cap, and set it leaning against the shampoo bottle (it has a rounded top, so it has to lean). Well, I didn't realize, but the soap bottle was too thin for the shelf and started to slip through. With my cat-like reflexes I grabbed the soap bottle out of the
air and righted it before damage could be done. Crisis averted? I think not. In the process, I hit the (rather large) bottle of shampoo which then came cascading down the wall of the shower. Luckily, my ankle was there to break its fall. Can I just say ouch? Yeah, that was about a 3 lbs of hard plastic ramming into a bony part of my body. Before I was even out of the shower, my ankle had started to swell and discolor (I'm on the swole). I spent the rest of the evening on the couch with an ice-pack (of frozen veggies) and a feeling of utter self-pity.
I am sorry to laugh at your mishap, but that is just funny! :) And of course it would happen to she who bruises easier than a banana... How are you doing today? Better I hope!
sadly enough it's very sore today and a bit tough to walk on. the color is better than i thought it would be, but it isn't pretty. thanks for checking on me, though.
I am in shock! I don't know what to say. My perception of you is all tainted now......I'm going to need a moment....
Oh, Bologna! I know the real reason for this post was to show off your sexy new pedicure!
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