Ari says:
Go ahead, you know you want to sing the song from Annie when they go to the theater and they have it all to themselves, and all those ladies are dancing on stage and they have the weird silver condoms o
n their heads. I'm singing it right now, as I'm typing (yes, I know I'm talented, and no, I don't have any prophylactic headgear). I'm getting carried away... let's get back on track. This weekend the new Chronic (what?) cles of Narnia: Prince Caspian movie is coming out (that's actually "Chronicles", but if you don't know what I'm referring to, you must click here) and there are already rave reviews of this movie. If you aren't excited yet, then I'm guessing you don't have a pulse, but if you are, please join me for a quick squealing-while-jumping-up-and-down-and-waving-hands session. For those of you who want to be in the know, check out some movie reviews or head over to IMDB to get the full scoop on the cast, characters, synopsis and trailers. As for me, I have finished reading the book (for the second time) and am anxiously awaiting next weekend to go see it. Yes, I know you are shocked and amazed that I don't have my Fandango tickets in hand, but I promised Bart that we would see it together when he comes into town. I'm entirely too devoted to that man. Maybe if I am devoted enough he'll actually write a blog (insert: hint, jab, rib poke)? Enjoy the movie everyone!

1 comment:
can we have mr pibb and redvines while watching it, because that is crazy delicious.
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