Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And the Winner is....

Ari says:
The K's have it. Last night 2 particular K's became champions (not to be confused with Special K, the cereal or the artist) and I want to send out my congratulations to them both. Kansas became this year's NCAA Men's Basketball Champions in a great game against Memphis. Considering Kansas was down by 9 with 2 minutes left in regulation and were able to win by 7 points in overtime, I am impressed. I love it when the last game of the season actually lives up to the hype, and neither Kansas nor Memphis disappointed. Great game all around! My second congrats goes to Kelly who easily won the Bartolomea Bracketology, in what would have been a bloodbath had anyone else actually picked Kansas to win. Kel, you rock and some day you'll have to teach me your secrets. I'm wondering at this point if you have that sports book from Back to the Future 2 (anyone with me?) and are just hoarding it to yourself. Anyway, congratulations to all. Now I'm going to hibernate until November when it all starts again.


Amanda Bradley said...

of Course I'm with you on the Back To The Future reference... i can see future-Biff right now with his snake cane and smoking jacket.

ps, the audience is getting restless- when is bart going to blog?

Bart and/or Ari said...

that's a very good question. i told him if he didn't do it soon he was going to be publicly berrated.

C said...

Speaking of the audience getting restless, I've come back several days now and there's no new posts. Come on, Bart and Ari. There are two of you. You can do better than this. We want MORE!

C said...

Oh, no. I mean, "there ARE no new posts". Crap, I just made a really bad grammatical error on the Queen of Grammar's blog.